
Yoast SEO Premium v13.2.0:当之无愧的WordPress SEO优化插件第一名

Yoast SEO Premium是WordPress高级SEO优化插件集合的最新版本。该集合包含:Yoast Local SEO for woomerce,Yoast Local SEO for WordPress,Yoast News SEO for WordPress&Google,Yoast SEO Premium,Yoast Video SEO for WordPress,Yoast woomerce SEO plugin。


Yoast Seo的特点







-Yoast SEO Premium甚至可以预览社交网络!




-Yoast SEO调整了你网站的引擎,这样你就可以创建伟大的内容。



-SEO角色管理:让你的同事访问WordPress Yoast SEO插件的特定部分。




== Changelog ==

= 13.2 =

Release Date: March 3rd, 2020

In Yoast SEO 13.2, you’ll find a number of checks moved to the WordPress Site Health tool. Site Health was introduced in WordPress 5.2 as a way to help site owners and managers get a sense of how their site is doing, technically speaking. Find out more about these changes in [our 13.2 release post](https://yoa.st/release-13-2)!


* Adds the capability to view Site Health to the SEO Manager role.

* Adds a cURL minimal version check to Site Health.

* Moves the “The postname is present in your permalink”-notification from the SEO Dashboard to Site Health.

* Moves the “You are using the default WordPress tagline”-notification from the SEO Dashboard to Site Health.

* Moves the “Your site is indexable”-notification and widget from the SEO dashboard to Site Health.

* Improves the usability of the “Your site is indexable” Site Health check.

* Adds error handling for the “Your site is indexable” status request.

* Adds an ID to the FAQ sections in the Schema output.


* Removes the “Check headers”-tool from the Yoast Admin bar menu, as it is no longer available.

= 13.0 =

Release Date: February 4th, 2020

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 13.0. This release is one in a series of releases focusing on improving our code and fixing issues — most of them behind the scenes. Read more about those changes in [our 13.0 release post](https://yoa.st/release-13-0)!


* Hides the Facebook settings when Open Graph is disabled.

* Adds a success state to the paginated comments Health Check. This means the paginated comments check will also be shown when the paginated comments are set up correctly.



Yoast SEO: News v12.4.1

Yoast SEO: Local v12.7

Yoast SEO: WooCommerce v12.5

Yoast SEO: Video v12.4

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